
President Trump’s Immigration Suspension Order

Recently, there have been indications that an executive order suspending all legal immigration to the United States would be issued soon. We have now been provided the actual Proclamation Suspending Entry from the white house.

Here is our quick analysis and summary of the Immigration Suspension Order:

Who Does The Immigration Suspension Order Apply To?

  • First, the suspension is for people that are immigrants, meaning they are petitioning for a green card. This order does not apply to temporary visitors.
  • Second, the suspension applies to applicants that are currently Outside of the United States.
  • Third, this may seem obvious, but if you already have an immigrant visa, this order does not apply to you.

Who Is Exempted From The Immigration Suspension Order?

  • Spouses of US Citizens
  • Unmarried children under 21 years old of US Citizens
  • Health Care Professionals
  • Eb-5 Investors
  • Members of the US Military and their spouses and children.

How Long is the Suspension For?

  • At this time, the suspension is set for 60 days, but it could be extended beyond that period.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Immigration Suspension Order:

Does President Trump’s Immigration Suspension Order Apply to Fiance Visa Applications?

The Immigration Suspension Order doesn’t specifically address Fiance Visas, however, Fiance Visas are generally considered non-immigrant visas, in which case this order would not apply to them. Further, we would make the argument that a Fiance is tantamount to a spouse and since it was not directly addressed, the category should be exempted similarly to the Spouses of US Citizens

If the Order Applies to My Case, should I delay Applying?

We recommend that you do not change any application plans, that way your application will be in queue when the order is lifted.

I applied to Adjust Status and have a Pending I-485 Application, will this suspension delay my application?

No, this suspension order does not apply to applicants that are already in the United States.

If you have further questions regarding this Suspension or any other immigration matter please contact us for a free initial consultation.

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